Dr. Hanns-Martin Schmidt
Dr. rer. nat., startUp Beratung für Life Science & Tech Unternehmen
Sie sind hier richtig, wenn Sie jemanden suchen, der Ihnen während der Frühphase einer biotechnologischen Ausgründung sowohl bei der Erreichung Ihrer wissenschaftlich-technischen als auch der marketing-kommunikativen Ziele beratend und praxisnah zur Seite stehen kann.
Mein Angebot als Molekularbiologe mit langjähriger Erfahrung beim Aufbau von jungen Biotech-Unternehmen reicht dabei von der Erarbeitung kreativer Produktentwicklungsstrategien über die Unterstützung bei der Fördermitteleinwerbung hin zur Umsetzung erster Schritte im Scientific Marketing. Gerade für kleinere Unternehmen in der StartUp-Phase bieten sich dadurch interessante Alternativen zur Festanstellung einzelner Mitarbeiter.
Kontaktieren Sie mich gerne, wenn Sie sich eine flexible Zusammenarbeit vorstellen können oder weitere Fragen haben.
Mit den besten Wünschen für Ihr Unternehmen,
Dr. Hanns-Martin SchmidtLife Science Allrounder gesucht?
POC doping analysis
Protein Analytics, StartUp consulting
Consulting on design & installation
Protein Analytics
Difficult cases
Protein Expression
Scientific Marketing
Scientific Marketing
Institute for Virology, University of Cologne
PhD thesis about transcription of papillomaviruses; excellent (sehr gut, magna cum laude)
Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne
Diploma thesis on adaptive mutations in E. coli; excellent (sehr gut)
University of Cologne
Main focus on genetics, biochemistry, organic chemistry
Technical consulting in different Life Science companies in areas such as biopharmaceuticals, glycoengineering, analytics
Strategic consulting for product innovation and third-party funding of Biotech StartUps
Multimedia Production for Science & Technology, amongst it: Scientific Writing, Marketing Material Production, Science Journalism, Video Production, Production of Scientific Graphics & Animations
Amongst others, developing and establishing HPLC methods in protein analytics; building up GMP-suited laboratories for analytics and quality control in Switzerland; approval of material for production under GMP-like conditions; qualification of lab devices, method validation;
Mainly research & development as a part of product development; transfection technologies; cell culture; primary cells; establishing from the beginning the scientific department of one of Germanys´ most succesful biotech companies
Harry F. Abts, Merz Pharmaceuticals
Senior Manager/Head Biopharmacy Derma
Within a short time I recognize Hanns-Martin as a person with an enormous knowledge in variety of different scientific fields. I have appreciated always discussions with him because of his analytical way of thinking and inspiring ideas. Since he is in addition also a very friendly and integer person it was really a pleasure to work with him.
Guenter Kraus, Tibotec
Infectious Diseases and Vaccine - Research & Early Dev. Liaison Officer
I have known Hanns-Martin for several years in a variety of capacities and have observed his myriad capabilities. Hanns-Martin has tremendous insight into the life sciences industry, thoroughly understands research & development and is a joy to work with.
Herbert Mueller-Hartmann, Lonza
Head of Global Technology Development
I have worked with Hanns-Martin for many years, both in academia and industry settings. Over the years, his independent and at the same time very focused way of tackling the right challenges have been key to his success. It always was (and still is) a great pleasure to discuss scientific matters with him. But also more broadly, his creativity on one hand and his persistence and energy on the other are a great asset.