Product development biotechnology
An example of a project where I have been consulting during the seed phase:
In the course of the BMBF contest “Innovationsakademie Biotechnologie”, we finished third with a novel concept of analyzing pathogenic organisms by means of molecular biology tools.
The concept was positively rated and further promoted within the exploratory phase of the ideas competition “Neue Produkte für die Bioökonomie” organized by the BMBF.
As a preparation for a feasibility study, the original product idea was further focused. After further successful appraisal, the project with its product having an annual market potential of est. 875 mio € (Europe) is now supported and financed by the German BMBF from 1/2016 to 12/2018 with ca 1.5 mio € within the iniative “KMU innovativ”.
A consortium to test the technical feasibility of the product idea has already been formed so that the development of a functional and qualifyable prototype is expected within the next two years.
A spin-off is planned subsequent to the feasibility study.
My consulting services in the course of this project include the areas of biotech enterprise formation, device development, biopharmaceutical analytics and scientific marketing.